Sunday, June 04, 2006

Disenfranchised by Design. How closed primaries lock out independents.

If you are an independent of any kind, your say in all levels of democracy are limited by design. Mailing in my absentee ballot for the June 6th California election, there were no candidates for governor to choose from. In this Democrat-majority state, most feel it is all but certain that the next governor after Arnold will be a Democrat. Thus, the only way to have a say in that statewide election is to register as a Democrat.

The simple fact is that there are several easy to implement alternatives to the two-party and plurality vote systems of democracy. These systems have been mathematically proven by statisticians, economists, and plain old philosophers to be more accurate at reflecting the "will of the people" than a simple plurality vote. Particularly given the two strong parties in the US, we need a system that acknowledges the will of the people rather than awarding the Presidency/governors/etc to the "least of two evils". Here are the top two alternatives I've found:

Instant Runoff Voting
You vote for the candidates you approve of, and rank them in order: 1, 2, 3, ... In this way, your true "will" is reflected. If your first choice candidate doesn't get enough votes, your #2 ranked candidate gets your full vote just as if you put them in the #1 slot. By a very simple process, this occurs for all voters (most easily in an easily traced and audited computer program) to determine the winner.

This is my first choice, but it is a little more difficult to explain than the next best choice: Approval Voting.

Approval Voting

You vote for as many candidates as you want, without a ranking of any kind. The candidate with the most votes wins. In this way, you can vote for as many "alternative", "3rd party", or "independent" candidates as you want. If you by some crazy reasoning simply want anyone except an independent, feel free to vote for both of the "two-party" candidates. If you want "any third party", simply vote for all of them.

While this does not reflect the will of the people as accurately as Instant Runoff Voting, it is extremely simple to explain.

Both Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) and Approval Voting better reflect the will of the people.
  • There can be no "spoiler" candidates.
  • There can be no "guilt" for voting your true intention at the polls.
  • There would likely be less negative campaigning with either system - as Approval or "First Choice" would matter more than "Hate my opponent"
  • Third party candidates could more likely win elections, or at least affect the key issues without campaigning against another candidate.
  • Third party candidates could never be blamed for the outcome of an election.

Who's afraid of these alternative systems?
Democrats and Republicans. And the two party system and oligarchy of lobbyists and power brokers in Washington and state capitols.

What can you do?
Fight for your democracy. Support IRV and/or Approval Voting organizations. Read up on what they have to say and make your own mind up. They are very easy to find and many states have established groups progressing towards this clear change.